Aleksandra Tomić PR Osnaženo Roditeljstvo

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Astrološka konsultacija

Astro sessions


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16 reviews
  • Sany Abdul Baki·

    Aleksandra has a way of simplifying astrology into a language that you can understand, not only generally, but she also knows how to speak in a way that you can relate to, based on your zodiac sign. Her extensive background in a range of spiritual practices help in her scope of perception & explanation, and in the tools she recommends for navigating whatever it is you are going through. In addition to all this, she's a sweetheart!

  • Milos·

    Zadovoljan pristupom i strpljenjem, hvala Alex na divnim savetima i odlicnoj saradnji 🥰

  • Filip·

    Aleksandra je jako detaljna i posvecena svom radu. U pripremi konsultacija je obazriva, a tokom same konsultacije vrlo pazljiva. Njena strucnost i pristup se ogleda u direktnoj komunikaciji, i jasnom postavljanu aspekata.

    Sa Alex je uvek ugodno raditi, i cinim to vrlo rado.

    Sve preporuke.

  • Ljilja·

    Alex is an amazing person full of knowledge and willingness to help people around her. I am very happy and grateful to have her around me. Talking to Alex always helps me to solve my doubts

  • Alexia·

    Aleksandra is one of the kindest and most compassionate people I have ever met. Her knowledge and analysis is unparalleled.

  • Adrijana·

    Jako detaljno mi je Aleksandra sve objasnila, ugodna je za razgovor i vrlo stručna. Lijepo i detaljno povezuje atrologiju sa psihologijom što daje samoj temi dubinu. Jedva čekam još! :)

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